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"Sir, what do I have to do to get a house like this?&qu…

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작성자 Sonny 댓글 0건 조회 62회 작성일 24-03-21 21:29


앤의 https://i--model-house.com 꿈의 집 Anne’s House of Dreams​레슬리의 BARRIERS앤의 꿈의 집 Anne’s House of Dreams 힘든 시기, 겨울 생의 마지막, 겨울 그리고, 봄을 품은 겨울. 모...​레슬리의 고백질투심They were sitting among the blue-eyed grasses on the bank of the brook in Anne’s garden. The water sparkled and crooned past themthe birches threw dappled shadows over themroses bloomed along the walks. The sun was beginning to be low, and the air was full of woven music. There was one music of the wind in the firs behind the house, and another of the waves on the bar, and still another from the distant https://i--model-house.com bell of the church near which the wee, white lady slept. Anne loved that bell, though it brought sorrowful thoughts now.© potato_potato_potato, 출처 Unsplash​... Anne, there have been times this past winter and spring when I have HATED you.”“I KNEW it,” said Anne calmly.“You KNEW it?”“Yes, I saw it in your eyes.”“And yet you went on liking me and being my friend.”“Well, it was only now and then you hated me, Leslie. Between times you loved me, I think.”​“I certainly did. But that other horrid feeling was always there, spoiling it, back in my heart. I kept it down—sometimes https://i--model-house.com I forgot it—but sometimes it would surge up and take possession of me. I hated you because I ENVIED you—oh, I was sick with envy of you at times. You had a dear little home—and love—and happiness—and glad dreams—everything I wanted—and never had—and never could have. Oh, never could have! THAT was what stung. I wouldn’t have envied you, if I had had any HOPE that life would ever be different for me. But I hadn’t—I hadn’t—and it didn’t seem FAIR. It made me rebellious—and it hurt me—and so I hated you at times. Oh, I was so ashamed https://i--model-house.com of it—I’m dying of shame now—but I couldn’t conquer it. ...​Don't blame yourself any more.“Leslie, dearest, stop blaming yourself. You are NOT hateful or jealous or envious. The life you have to live has warped you a little, perhaps-but it would have ruined a nature less fine and noble than yours. I’m letting you tell me all this because I believe it’s better for you to talk it out and rid your soul of it. But don’t blame yourself any more.”© derickray, 출처 Unsplash...“Now, Leslie, that IS bitter and morbid—put such thoughts away.​...go into details : 상세히 설명하다harrow : https://i--model-house.com [남을] (정신적으로) 괴롭히다, 못살게 굴다…에게 상처를 주다unavailingly : 소용없이, 무익하게blotted sth out : ~을 완전히 덮다, 안좋은 기억을 애써 잊다“Leslie, don’t speak of it. I know the story—don’t go into details that only harrow your soul up unavailingly. It WILL be blotted out.”​​The barriers are all down.... You know me now, Anne—the worst of me—the barriers are all down. And you still want to be my friend?”© rpnickson, 출처 Unsplash​Anne looked up through the birches, at the white paper-lantern of a half moon drifting downwards to the gulf of sunset. Her face was very sweet.© brenofreitas, 출처 Unsplash​​“I am https://i--model-house.com your friend and you are mine, for always,” she said. “Such a friend as I never had before. I have had many dear and beloved friends—but there is a something in you, Leslie, that I never found in anyone else. You have more to offer me in that rich nature of yours, and I have more to give you than I had in my careless girlhood. We are both women—and friends forever.”​They clasped hands and smiled at each other through the tears that filled the gray eyes and the blue.​'미안해, 널 미워해.'레슬리가 앤에게 미워했다고 직접 고백하는 방식의 이야기 전개 https://i--model-house.com 방법이 억지스러워보인다. 실제로 그런 친구가 있다면 글쎄... 가까이 지낼 수 있을지 의문이다. 배경이 되는 곳이 바닷가 작은 마을이고 레슬리는 몇 안되는 이웃 사람들 중 하나이기 때문에, 현대 한국 사회에 비추어 그 인간관계를 이해할 수는 없을 것이다. 그렇게 이해해본다.​실제로 작가 몽고메리는 당시 사람들에게 질투어린 시선을 많이 받았다고 한다. 그런 경험을 작품에서 이상적으로 풀어내지 않았을까 싶다.​​우리 안의 레슬리열등감 극복하기레슬리는 남동생의 죽음을 목격하고, 아버지를 일찍 여읜다. 그리고 원치 않은 결혼을 하고, 남편은 그녀를 귀하게 여기지 않았다. 그런 남편이 일련의 사고로 기억을 잃는다. 11년간 남편을 수발하며 힘겹게 살아오고 있다.그런 그녀 앞에 행복한 신혼 부부, 앤과 길버트가 나타난 것이다. 앤은 존재만으로 미움과 질투의 대상이 https://i--model-house.com 된다. 그러나 앤의 인간적인 면모를 좋아하게 된 레슬리는 양가감정을 느낀다.​누구나 열등감이 있고, 나에게 없는 능력이나 소질을 다른 이가 갖고 있을 때 부러움을 느낀다.그럴 때는 어떻게 하면 좋을까?그 부러움도 인정하는 것이다. '내가 참 그런 점이 아쉬웠고, 줄곧 바라왔었구나... 그것 때문에 참 힘들었구나.'그리고 더욱 자신에게 집중해 본다. '나에게 좋은 점을 찾아보자. 남들은 어렵지만 내가 쉽게 해낸 일은 없어? 그걸 하는 거야. 남들 너무 신경쓰지마. 난 내가 소중해. 내가 바로 서 있어야 다른 사람과의 관계도 있는거야.'​작품 속 레슬리는 앤의 위로를 받고 있지만우리 안의 레슬리는 내면의 목소리로 다독여야 한다.그렇게 자기 자신과 잘 지낼 수 있을 때 사회적 관계도 건강하게 만들어 나갈 수 있다.​​#anneshouseofdreams https://i--model-house.com #anneofgreengables #앤의꿈의집 #빨강머리앤 #원서읽기 #영어원서읽기 #풍경​


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