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Wiral LITE Portable Cable Cam – Final Production Model...

페이지 정보

작성자 Darlene 댓글 0건 조회 48회 작성일 24-03-03 09:36


​Go https://i-model-h0use.com viral : 입소문이 나다Be tend to : ~ 하는 경향이 있다 (긍정,부정 둘다 가능 취미같이 주로 하는 것)Be prone to : ~ 하는 경향이 있다 , ~하기쉽다 (부정적인 경향)Prone to error : 오류가 나기쉽다.upend: 전복시키다, 뒤집다 heavily: 심하게 ex) heavily rely https://i-model-h0use.com on ads and e-commerce.: 광고와 전자상거래에 크게 의존하다boil down to : 결국 ~이 되다, ~으로 요약하다 (귀결되다)underpin : 뒷받침하다reinvent : 다른 모습을 보여주다ex) It’s just that Google hasn’t officially rolled out LaMDA, despite the competitive pressure to reinvent itself and stay https://i-model-h0use.com relevant.:구글은 계속 변신하면서 시대의 변화에 맞추어 나가야 한다는 경쟁의 압력에도 불구하고 공식적으로 LaMDA를 출시하지 않고 있습니다​​​​Feedback ​​​​​​​Q. Have you ever tried ChatGPT? What kind of questions did you ask?=&gtI think ChatGPT is well work summarize but i think that chatgpt can't https://i-model-h0use.com create new thing just what is already given can do that not create​​Q. What would be the common uses and applications of ChatGPT?=>I usually use the common uses and applications when i do my test for school and work because chatGPT https://i-model-h0use.com is helpful my task summarize and new knowledge is find that.​​Q. At the time of publication, ChatGPT doesn’t have commercial applicability. What are some ways it could be used to make money?=>I think chatGPT make edit text for research paper or https://i-model-h0use.com business plan. Actually, I've used chatGPT for business, writing business plan so chatGPT can't do all that but use something I can use to make money. ChatGPT make research paper but only research paper don't use to make money but if https://i-model-h0use.com i use this research paper for business I can make more effective business.​Q. How do you see the future of ChatGPT and similar AI chatbots evolving in the next 5-10 years?=&gtThey can make a footprint not in the world product merchandise.(=invent https://i-model-h0use.com ) I think creating new business model only person can do it because chatgpt is not alright and AI chatbots many times wrong and more developing in the future, they can create other new products and goods.​​​​​​​​​​​​


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