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작성자 Primo 댓글 0건 조회 335회 작성일 24-03-04 02:21


자다가 https://i-model-h0use.com 문득 AI에 관한 생각이 들었다. AI의 대표주자 엔비디아(CUDA)와 GPT는 얼마나 관련이 있을까? 이리저리 검색을 해도 원하는 답이 나오지 않아 GPT의 도움을 받아 검색해 보았다. (땡큐 번역기)​​## 사용자Explain the relevance of OPEN AI's GPT 4.0 and Nvidia's CUDA## BingSure, let's start with OpenAI's GPT-4.0:GPT-4.0 is OpenAI's most advanced system, producing safer and more useful responses. It can solve difficult problems with greater accuracy, thanks to its broader general knowledge and problem-solving abilities. It is more creative and collaborative than ever before, capable of generating, editing, and iterating with users on creative and technical writing tasks. For example, it can compose songs, write screenplays, or learn a user’s writing style.GPT-4.0 surpasses its predecessor, ChatGPT, in its advanced reasoning capabilities. It is also more reliable, creative, and able to handle much more nuanced instructions. It exhibits human-level https://i-model-h0use.com performance on various professional and academic benchmarks. For instance, it passes a simulated bar exam with a score around the top 10% of test takers.Now, let's move on to NVIDIA's CUDA:CUDA is a parallel computing platform and application programming interface (API) model created by NVIDIA. It allows software developers to use a CUDA-enabled graphics processing unit (GPU) for general purpose processing. CUDA GPUs power millions of desktops, notebooks, workstations, and supercomputers around the world, accelerating computationally-intensive tasks for consumers, professionals, scientists, and researchers.CUDA is essential for tasks in robotics, cybersecurity, data analytics, 6G, quantum computing, genomics, drug discovery, logistics optimization, and other high-performance computing fields. It provides a comprehensive development environment for C and C++ developers building GPU-accelerated applications.In summary, both GPT-4.0 and CUDA are highly relevant in their respective fields. GPT-4.0 is pushing https://i-model-h0use.com the boundaries of what AI can achieve in terms of language understanding and generation, while CUDA is enabling a wide range of computationally-intensive tasks to be performed more efficiently using GPUs..## 사용자Is Nvidia's graphics card essential to build an environment to use OPEN AI's GPT? Or could I use AMD's graphics card?## BingOpenAI's GPT models, including GPT-4.0, have been trained on supercomputers built from thousands of Nvidia GPUs. Nvidia's GPUs, especially the enterprise-grade ones like the A100 and H100, are often used due to their high performance in training AI models.However, it's not strictly necessary to use Nvidia's GPUs to run GPT models. AMD GPUs can also be used, although there might be some differences in performance and compatibility. For instance, Vicuna, an open-source chatbot with 13 billion parameters, can be run on a https://i-model-h0use.com single AMD GPU with ROCm. ROCm (Radeon Open Compute) is an open-source software platform that provides AMD GPU acceleration for deep learning and high-performance computing applications.In summary, while Nvidia GPUs are commonly used in training and running OpenAI's GPT models due to their high performance, it is also possible to use AMD GPUs. However, the specific requirements and performance may vary depending on the model and the specific tasks you want to perform. It's always a good idea to check the system requirements and compatibility before setting up your environment.## 사용자Find out what graphics cards Microsoft is building## BingMicrosoft does not manufacture its own graphics cards like Nvidia or AMD. Instead, Microsoft's devices typically use graphics cards manufactured by these companies. For example, the Surface devices use Intel's integrated GPUs or discrete GPUs from https://i-model-h0use.com Nvidia.However, Microsoft does provide support and development tools for graphics processing units (GPUs). For instance, they provide detailed guides on how to check your GPU, update your drivers, and understand the different types of GPUs.In summary, while Microsoft does not build its own graphics cards, it does provide extensive support and tools for working with GPUs in its devices and software.## 사용자Don't you use AMD's graphics cards for servers built by Microsoft?## BingYes, Microsoft does use AMD's graphics cards in some of its servers. Specifically, Microsoft's Azure cloud platform offers virtual machines that are powered by AMD Radeon PRO V620 GPUs. These GPUs are used in the Azure N-series and NVv4-series VMs, which are optimized for tasks such as remote visualization, streaming, gaming, encoding, and VDI scenarios.Moreover, Microsoft provides detailed guides on how to https://i-model-h0use.com install AMD GPU drivers on these VMs. For instance, the AMD Software: Cloud Edition drivers must be installed to take advantage of the GPU capabilities of Azure NGads V620 Series VMs.So, while Microsoft does not manufacture its own graphics cards, it does utilize graphics cards from both Nvidia and AMD in its servers and provides support for them in its software and services.## 사용자So do you use AMD's graphics card for OPEN AI?## BingOpenAI, the organization behind GPT-4.0, primarily uses Nvidia GPUs for training their models. However, it's important to note that once a model like GPT-4.0 is trained, it can be run on a variety of hardware configurations, including those with AMD GPUs.AMD's Radeon™ RX 7000 Series graphics cards, for example, feature new unified AMD RDNA ™ 3 compute units with AI accelerators https://i-model-h0use.com optimized for AI workloads. They also come with large amounts of GDDR6 memory, allowing users and developers to work with larger AI models locally.Moreover, AMD's Instinct™ MI300X GPU is a 153 billion transistor accelerator packed with performance specifically for the future of AI computing.So, while Nvidia GPUs are commonly used in the training of OpenAI's models, it is possible to use AMD GPUs to run these models once they are trained. However, the specific requirements and performance may vary depending on the model and the specific tasks you want to perform. It's always a good idea to check the system requirements and compatibility before setting up your environment.​굳이 위의 내용을 번역해서 볼 사람은 없겠지.한 줄로 요약하자면GPT는 엔비디아의 GPU를 기반으로 되어있지만AMD의 그래픽으로도 가능할 것이다. 진짜일까? 그러나 다른 한편으로 생각해 보면 안 될 이유는 뭐란 말인가.기존에는 https://i-model-h0use.com 개별로 인공지능 프로그램을 만들기 때문에 쿠다는 AMD에게 엔비디아를 넘을 수 없는 벽이 되었겠지만GPT를 기반으로 최종 결과물을 만든다고 한다면? ​GPU의 선두에 있는 엔비디아그를 뒤따르는 AMD, 그리고 이제 막 걸음마를 뗀 인텔​​​​그리고 이 생각을 긍정으로 만들어 주는 하나의 기사생성형 인공지능(AI) '챗GPT'를 만든 오픈AI의 최고경영자(CEO) 샘 올트먼이 자체 AI 반도체 공급망 구축을 위해 최대 7조 달러(약 9,300조 원) 규모의 투자 유치에 나선 것으로 알려지면서 반도체 업계가 술렁이고 있다. 지난해 세계 반도체 시장의 전체 매출액(약 5,270억 달러)의 10배를 웃도는 올트먼의 이 구상이 실현되면 반도체 시장오픈 AI가 직접 AI 칩을 만들겠다.진짜 직접 만들까? 모른다. 직접 만들면 성공할까? 쉽지 않을 것이다. 알 수 없는 이야기지만 알 수 있는 건 하나직접 만들면 CUDA를 사용할 수 있나? 아니 못 쓴다. 그럼 결국 CUDA와 관련 없이 GPT가 돌아가야 하겠지.​AI 시장의 애플은 누가 될까? ​​


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